Art journaling provides a place to play, experiment, and practice new mediums or techniques.

This is a great approach to journaling if you enjoy mixed media, painting, doodling, drawing, collage, stamping, stenciling, and just generally experimenting with a variety of different creative ideas.

New to Art Journaling?

  • Art journaling is purely visual.
  • It can be very therapeutic once you’ve learned to enjoy the process of working in it, rather than focusing on the end result.
  • You can art journal in almost any type of book by prepping the pages with gesso- which serves as a primer for most media. However, it helps to use watercolor paper if you’ll be using watercolor.
  • Create for the sake of creating!
  • Try the printable Creative Journaling Prompt Stickers for inspiration to guide you through filling those pages, or the ready to use Purdy Creative Art Journal on Amazon.

Art Journaling
Resources & Inspiration:

(Affiliate Disclaimer– If you purchase any of the recommended books using these links it will help support the efforts behind this resource.)